Increase in Sanitary Sewer Rates to Pay for New Wastewater Treatment Facility
The July 2023 utility bill reflects new sanitary sewer rates established by the Algona City Council. The City of Algona is in the design process for a significant, once in a generation, upgrade at the wastewater treatment facility, required to meet new regulations of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The City must increase rates for sanitary sewer service in order to pay for the mandated upgrades. Instead of one large increase, the fee changes will be phased in over the next four years.
The City must increase sanitary sewer rates in order to pay for the mandated upgrades. Instead of one large increase, the fee changes will be phased in over the next four years.
The wastewater treatment facility does not receive funds from property taxes, it operates solely on user fees.
Grants and other funding assistance options will continue to be pursued. The rates will continue to be evaluated and adjusted as needed, up or down, as the plans progress.
The following flyer has more information about the project and rate increase.