Thinking About Building A Grain Bin?
If you're planning to build or move a grain bin, either on your property or for someone else, you need to become familiar with Iowa's law on required distances from overhead electric lines. This law was put in place to provide protection from the hazard of contacting overhead electric lines to anyone working around grain bins with augers, elevators. or other equipment.
The drawings inside this brochure show the specific clearance requirements related to permanently installed augers and portable augers. There must be at least 18 feet between the top or any grain bin and any overhead electric lines. These distances were developed by the American National Standards lns1itute. Figure 232 .4(b) can be found in the 2017 Edition National Electrical Safety Code (NESC.)
As your electric service provider, Algona Municipal Utilities is responsible for ensuring that these specifications are met. In fact in any situation where minimum clearance requirements are not observed, AMU may refuse electric service.
So if a new grain bin is on your lists or projects, please give AMU a ca ll al (515) 295-3584 . We will work with you in developing a site plan for your project.