Connection of Qualifying Facility Distributed Generation Resources

Connection of Qualifying Facility Distributed Generation Resources

Algona Municipal Utilities is committed to providing clean energy for our customers and our future. AMU actively pursues clean energy projects which can be cost effectively added into our generation portfolio and distributed generation from a qualifying facility is such a resource.

Distributed Generation (DG) refers to power generation at the point of consumption. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 18, Part 292, provides regulations under sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) with regard to small production and cogeneration. Those regulations stipulate that AMU must interconnect with a Qualifying Facility (QF).

AMU has developed the documents below to assist customers desiring to interconnect customer-owned distributed generation resources with AMU's electric distribution system. Customers are encouraged to contact AMU early in your distributed generation evaluation process so that we may answer any questions you may have.

For approved Customers with Distributed Generation, Energy delivered to the Customer by AMU will be billed at the appropriate rate class, and energy delivered to AMU by the Customer will be credited to the Customer at the avoided cost rate. 

Iowa Utilities Board Consumer Guide to Distributed Generation - Revised 3.2023
Iowa Energy Center Solar Guide
Algona Municipal Utilities Distributed Generation Price Schedule March 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025
Customer Owned Generation Checklist
AMU interconnection Standards
AMU Interconnection Agreement - Hourly Netting